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Regional Council Meeting: Guaranteed Livable Income


Saturday, May 27, the Regional Council annual meeting will vote on a SEJ proposal which invites our communities of faith to advocate for a basic adequate income made available to all Canadians.

As many people struggle to pay rent and feed themselves and their families, municipalities also struggle to support an increasing number of vulnerable residents in their communities.

The proposal calls on communities of faith to work with their local municipal council to urge the Government of Canada to implement a Guaranteed Livable Income that would ensure all Canadians can meet their basic needs.

Discussion and vote are scheduled for 4:15 pm.  May 27


Ontario Health Coallition: Ballot Vote on Hospital Privatization

Recently the Social and Ecological Justice Commission voted to endorse the campaign by the Ontario Health Coalition ( to host a ballot vote on the question of hospital privatization. It is a public referendum open to all residents of Ontario, age 16 and over.
Voting will continue throughout May and can be accessed online at or in person at hosted locations. One of those locations will be the Regional Council Annual meeting at the SEJ table.
Although Bill 60 was passed in the Ontario Legislature, advocacy continues to protect public health services and address creeping privatization.
We encourage you to share this concern with the members of your community of faith and encourage them to learn more and vote in the citizen-led referendum.
The Canada Health Act states that no patient can be charged for medically needed hospital and physician care. Health care is to be provided based on need -- no matter where you live and no matter how rich or poor you are. This is what Canadians won when we achieved Public Medicare.
A Globe and Mail editorial (April 18, 2023) condemned as a “fantasy” the idea “that allowing Canadians with money to buy their way around the publicly funded, universal health care system will improve care and shorten wait-lists in the publicly funded, universal health care system” or “the fantasy that handing more of health care over to the private sector will fix things.”
Referendum main voting days: May 26 and 27
On behalf of the Social and Ecological Justice Commission of Shining Waters Regional Council,
Rev. Susan Eagle, Chair