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Beginning Sunday February 2, we will return to having Ushers and Greeters. Please speak with Rev. Andy, Rev. Lorraine or contact Suzanne in the office if you would like to serve as the lead usher/greeter. There is also a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table.

Here is a list of duties:

* recruit one other person to help hand out bulletins 

* help people find their way to other places in the building when asked

* ensure that the sanctuary doors are closed when worship begins

* lead in the reading of the Territory and lighting of the orange and rainbow candles

* recruit three others on Sunday morning to help take up the offering

The Welcome Table will still be in place with items that people may need for worship (extra bulletins, hearing assists, offering envelopes etc.)  One of the ushers/greeters may assist worshippers with what they need.