AUC is an Affirming Congregation! 

Affirming Congregation Committee Members: Lisa Kyriakides (Co-Chair), Josh Szakal (Co-Chair), Noah Comar, Joyce Hagarty, Victoria Kyriakides, Jay Madore, Mary Munro,  Debbie Schieck, and Rev, Lorraine Newton-Comar.

Open Hearts - Affirming Ministry

A few years ago the AUC Council voted to explore the possibility of becoming an Affirming Congregation within the United Church of Canada. This would mean declaring ourselves to be a congregation which is committed to inclusion and justice for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities—seeking also to live more fully into God’s way of welcome, love and justice for all creation.

Affirming ministries work in many different ways toward the healing and wholeness of creation, challenging bias and discrimination based on appearance, culture, class or age; working to end racism; promoting economic justice; increasing accessibility or caring for the planet. Affirming Ministries seek to go beyond issues of gender diversity and sexual orientation to work for justice and inclusion for all people.

Affirming Ministries provide information, acceptance, support, and justice-making for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their friends and families. These ministries declare, in words and actions, that God loves and accepts people of all orientations and they call upon the rest of the church to do the same.

The United Church of Canada officially endorses the Affirming Ministry Program and encourages its Ministries to do the same.  

Through a process of discernment and reflection, Affirming Ministries discover what it means for them to be inclusive and justice-seeking. They prepare a statement of faith and vision that sets out their ongoing commitment to work for justice on issues of gender diversity and sexual orientation within their congregation, the wider church, and their community and to support and participate in the Affirming Ministry Program.  

Please speak to Rev. Lorraine, or call (905-727-1935 ext.23) or email for more information. The ‘Open Hearts’ resource is available to read on the AUC website.

We were all deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend, ally and committee member, Ivor Roberts—his commitment to the pathway towards inclusion and acceptance for LGBTQ2+ members was unwavering. We miss him terribly and bless his memory.

Click HERE to read the letter from the Rt. Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator, United Church of Canada

Affirming Vision Statement

On January 26, 2020, the congregation approved the Affirming Vision Statement as presented by the Affirming Congregation Committee. 

Read Affirming Vision Statement


My Affirming Statement - Noah Comar

My Affirming Statement - Mary Munro

My Affirming Statement - Debby Schieck

My Affirming Statement - Victoria Kyriakides

Why Pride Matters (video)


How To Be An Ally

Adapted from Ouch! That Stereoptype Hurts


Read the current newsletter from Shining Waters Regional Council - Affirm

Read the current newsletter from Affirm



Click HERE to answer the questionnaire and add your voice to the project. 

Canadian Association for Mental Health (CAMH) Gender Affirming Health Clinic!

What is the GAHC?

  • Provides free primary care (ex. Hormone Replacement Therapy) and counselling services to trans and gender diverse people within York Region/South Simcoe
  • Creates a safe and supportive space for gender diverse people to receive holistic and gender affirming care
  • Eligibility includes: anyone who is 16 years+ who identifies as gender diverse, trans, non-binary, and/or questioning.
  • No health card is required for direct services and we welcome supportive family and friends.

Where and When?

  • Currently the GAHC is held at two locations:
    • Aurora Office, 15150 Yonge Street, across from the library (Upper floor) - First Monday of the month 1:30 to 4:30pm
    • Vaughan Office, 8271 Keele Street- Third Tuesday of the month 3:00 to 6:00pm
  • Appointments can be made by calling Bev or Beccky at the Aurora office or Vivian at the Vaughan office
  • Appointments and additional inquiries can also be forwarded to
  • Self-Referrals are encouraged

Our Team

  • Michelle Hermans – Nurse Practitioner (GAHC/MOBYSS)
  • Jessica Corbett – Counsellor (GAHC/MOBYSS)
  • Jenny Haggart – Counsellor (GAHC/Youth Wellness)

See poster below for more information.


Egale Canada

Egale’s vision is a Canada, and ultimately a world, without homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and all other forms of oppression so that every person can achieve their full potential, free from hatred and bias.

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York Region Pride

Click HERE to read more about York Region Pride events.



LGBT Youth line:  A safe non judgemental help line for lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirited, queer and questioning young people


Pflag York Region

Pflag is York Region’s LGBTQ2 support, resource and education network – bringing together all members of the community. We are a volunteer-led local registered charity servicing one of the fastest growing and multicultural regions nationwide.

Every day, our compassionate volunteers are contacted by frightened adolescents and by angry, fearful or confused parents and family members from all walks of life who have questions or concerns about sexual orientation or gender identity. Our dedicated volunteers are there for those in need when it seems no one else is!

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