June is Pride Month. The United Church celebrates Pride in the month of June. We encourage you to mark this time and celebrate the lives and ministry of LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit people in all their diversity.

June is also National Indigenous History Month.  Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21st.   A time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis.   

UCC 99th Anniversary, Pride Month, Indigenous Day of Prayer Bulletin

Communion -- Prayer of Great Thanksgiving

Announcement Sheet


Shining Waters Regional Council Prayer Cycle:

Today we pray for: Collier Street United Church, Barrie, Trinity United Church, Malton, New Hope United Church, Concord.

Minute For Mission:

Compassion in Action: Mission and Service partners provide real-time relief around the world on a daily basis.

Prayers & Devotionals:

 A Meal Time Blessing:  We thank-you, ... for all the blessings of our living:  

God's Care, Everywhere:  "You care for us, Loving God..."

The hymns and music today… 

Make a Joyful Noise (w/m Linnea Good) – Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

The Church's One foundation {vv 1,2,4,&5} (w Samuel John Stone, m Sameul S. Wesley) - Public Domain

Draw the Circle Wide (G. Light, M. Bloss) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 

Sing, Sing, Out! (Hannah, Melhorne-Boe) - Reprint and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074

Grateful (T. Tomaszek) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Wherever You May Go (m/w David Kai).  Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Prelude in the Phrygian Mode (Thomas Tallis, arr. Noel Rawsthorne) 

The Impossible Dream (The Quest) (M. Leigh, J. Darion) 

O Happy Day (Sister Act 2) (E. Hawkins) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

Ricercare on 'St. Anne' (Gordon Young) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

The Church Council of Aurora United Church deeply appreciates your financial gifts.  We strive to honour our donors’ wishes at all times. Aurora United Church has a number of ways in which you can contribute to the life and work of our congregation. Consider these many options as you contribute to God's work.   

Please click HERE if you would like to make a financial donation to Aurora United Church.
