“The connections we make in the course of a life – maybe that’s what heaven is.”  Fred Rogers

Second Sunday in Lent Bulletin

Announcement Sheet

Shining Waters Regional Council Prayer Cycle:

Today we pray for: Wahta United Church, St. James Centennial United Church, Parry Sound, Knox United Church, Sutton, Shawanaga United Church


Teach Me the Language of Prayer, God: Teach me how to pray with my whole being

Light of the World:   Bright Shining Christ,...

Minute for Mission:

Lessions of Racism Learned When Young:  Name calling started when she was about three years old....

The hymn and music today… 

Morning Has Broken (w Eleanor Farjeon, m Gaelic melody, harm. Alec Wyton). Public Domain

I Have Called You by Your Name –(w Damon, Fines). Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Will You Come and Follow Me  – (w/arr. The Iona Community, m Scottish trad.) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery (w/m Mary Haugen) –  Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

Christ Has No Body Now but Your– (Warner, Gunn). Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Let My Spirit Always Sing (w Shirley Murray, m Jane Marshall) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

May the Love of the Lord (w Maria Ling Poh Choo, m Swee hong Lim). Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (Hugh S. Linvingston Jr.) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074

Now Quit Your Care (Percy Dearmer, Fench Carol harm. Martin Fallas Shaw) -  Public Domain

Agnus Dei (Jason McCoy) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

Nocturne (Joel Raney) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Heeding the Call (Tom Birchwood) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

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