We sing of Jesus, a Jew, born to a woman in poverty in a time of social upheaval and political oppression. He knew human joy and sorrow. So filled with the Holy Spirit was he that in him people experienced the presence of God among them. We sing to God incarnate. (UCC Statement of Faith.2006)


Reign of Christ Bulletin

Prayer of Great Thanksgiving

Announcement Insert

Shining Waters Regional Council Prayer Cycle:

Today we pray for: Mount Albert United Church, Heart Lake United Church, Brampton, Heritage United Church, Washago, and Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto.


Your Sacred Signature: God of love and life 

A Prayer for Children  Help us care for those who need us most...

Minute for Mission:

Nourishing Spirits through Tradition: As we prepare to celebrate Christmas with our loved ones, it is heartbreaking to think of families who are unable to afford a warm meal or a small gift for their children.

The hymns and music today… 

Jesus Shall Reign (w Isaac Watts, m attrib. John Warrington Hatton, desc David McKinley Williams)- Public Domain

Christ of Compassion (P. McDonough) -

My Song Is Love Unknown  (aw Samuel Crossman, M John Ireland) – Public Domain

Sing, Sing, Out! - (Hannah, Melhorne-Boe) - Reprint and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074

Grateful - (T. Tomaszek) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

Wherever You May Go  - (m/w David Kai).  Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Reflection on 'Bunassan'  (Edward Landin)

Hail to God's Own Anointed (Trad. Irish Melody, arr. Rory Cooney)  - Public Domain

The King Shall come (Robert Leaf) -  - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Celebrate With Ringing  (M. Mazzatenta) Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

O Worship the King (arr. Franklin Ritter)-  - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074. 

The Church Council of Aurora United Church deeply appreciates your financial gifts.  We strive to honour our donors’ wishes at all times. Aurora United Church has a number of ways in which you can contribute to the life and work of our congregation. Consider these many options as you contribute to God's work.   

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