Have you experienced a miracle of generosity, where what is received is more than what is given?

 Pentecost 10 Bulletin

Shining Waters Regional Council Prayer Cycle:

Today we pray for: McKeller United Church, Trinity United Church, Gravenhurst, Salem United Church, Caledon,     St. Mark's United Church, Scarborough

Minute For Mission:

Your Generosity Matters: Learning the Gospel at Camp  “I met so many different people from different cultures and regions, and got to learn their journeys in faith.”

Prayers & Devotionals:

A Prayer for Hospitality  "...may I model your...,"

Lectio Divina - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

The hymns and music today… 

Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love  (w Robert Walmsley, m Adam Watson) - Public Domain

We are Pilgrims On a Journey (w/m Robert Gillard, arr. Betty Pulkingham) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Filled With The Spirit's Power  (w J. R. Peacey, m George William Warren) - Public Domain

Sing, Sing, Out! - (Hannah, Melhorne-Boe) - Reprint and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074

Grateful - (T. Tomaszek) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

There Is Room For All - (w/m Bruce Harding) -Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

Wherever You May Go  - (m/w David Kai).  Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.

"Variations on 'O Jesus Think On Me' - (Alfred v. Fedak) 

Song on the 'Ghuzeng' - (trad. Chinese song) 

"O God Our Help In Ages Past" (arr. Alfred V Fedak) 

"Trumpet Recessional" (Alfred V Fedak) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.

The Church Council of Aurora United Church deeply appreciates your financial gifts.  We strive to honour our donors’ wishes at all times. Aurora United Church has a number of ways in which you can contribute to the life and work of our congregation. Consider these many options as you contribute to God's work.   

Please click HERE if you would like to make a financial donation to Aurora United Church.