Prayers & Devotionals:
God is with Us All the Time:
Prayer for Grassy Narrows: " churches across these lands ring bells of liberty and love..."
The hymns and music today…
Give Thanks for Life (w Shirley Erena Murray, m Ralph Vaughan Williams) – Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
I am the Dream (S. C. Tufts, R. Runn)
For the Faithful who Have Answered (w Sylvia Dunstan, m Trier Gesangbuch) – Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.
Sing, Sing, Out! - (Hannah, Melhorne-Boe) - Reprint and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074
Grateful - (T. Tomaszek) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
There Is Room For All - (w/m Bruce Harding) -Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
Wherever You May Go - (m/w David Kai). Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
What Is the World to Me (part 2) (Flor Peeters)
God in the Darkness (E.J. Smith, C. Gibson) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.
You do Not Walk Alone (Elaine Hagenberg) - - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
Canticle of Hope (Cynthia Dobrinski) Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
For All the Saints (Gerhard Krapf)- - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
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