During winter we are aware that much of the world lies dormant, and in spring a truly amazing thing happens, no less amazing because it happens every year: the world comes back to life!
As the days lengthen we become aware of the waking world, rising again. That’s where the word ‘Lent’ comes from: an old English word for ‘lengthen,’ referring to the longer days. 40 days for waking up and getting ready for Easter, a festival of new life celebrating Jesus’ resurrection and the new world that’s on the way.
This year’s Lenten theme is: ‘Coming Back to Life’ and we invite you to use the Lenten devotional booklet (provided by the Worship Committee) available on the Welcome Table - devotions and activities for the season of Lent. You may also click HERE for a digital copy of the devotional booklet.
Additionally, begonia plants will be available for the next two Sundays (March 9th & 16th). Through the solemnity of Lent there is ample proof of home that comes to us in growth; Clear evidence of God’s ongoing acts of Creation. You are invited to nurture your plant over the coming weeks, returning it in blossom for Easter Sunday worship to brighten and enliven our worship space.
You may wish to have a tangible reminder of your own personal journey through Lent; river stones are available on the Welcome Table; pick a stone that speaks to you and carry it through the season to Good Friday when we will place them at the foot of the cross.
This year’s Lenten study, ‘Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith’ can be accessed by Zoom, every Wednesday evening between March 12th and April 23rd @7pm. Click HERE for details.
Further Lenten resources can be found HERE on the Worship page of the AUC website. Just click on the Sunday link for new resources posted every week.
The Worship Committee wishes you a meaningful Lenten season.