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The United Church of Canada is calling for the protection and affirmation of the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ people, particularly transgender and non-binary youth. Gender and sexuality are gifts of God and all persons are made in the image of God. Policies and guidelines related to gender identity and expression in educational and healthcare settings should uplift care and service providers, support transgender and non-binary students and youth, and create 2SLGBTQIA+ and gender affirming schools.

The United Church of Canada calls on its members and people of goodwill to continue demonstrating solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, to foster inclusive and safer environments in learning institutions, community and within family settings. Take action by contacting your Member of Parliament and/or your provincial leaders and ask them to safeguard and affirm existing legislation. Affirm United/S'affirmer Ensemble, and Affirming Connections, are also offering resources to challenge 2SLGBTQIA+ hate, and to share positive affirming messages to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Learn more and read the full news story.


Wednesday, September 20th, anti-2SLGBTQIA+ activists plan to rally at legislatures, city halls, and school board offices across the country under the “1 Million March 4 Children” banner. While they claim to be in support of parental rights, this is explicitly an anti-2SLGBTQIA+ rally.
In addition to anti-2SLGBTQIA+ protests, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan have enacted dangerous policies that put the lives of 2SLGBTQIA+ children at risk. Recently, Ontario’s Premier and Education Minister made troubling remarks that echo these anti-2SLGBTQIA+ policies. A template letter is below that you can use to write to the Premier and your local MPP.
Thank you to Pam Rocker at United Against Hate for sharing 5 Things You Can Do To Counter the Hate:

(From Affirming Connections, United Against Hate Newsletter.)

Counter-Demonstrate, using the advice found in the Pride Defense Guide, Safety Plan, and Faith Community Guide. Google to find out what is happening in your city and make plans with community partners. For example in 

Or, plan an alternate event at the same time on the 20th. This could be anything from a coffee hour to a vigil, simply - a place to connect and find solace.

Use all of your available communication channels to show your support: building signage, e-newsletters, websites, social media, and connections with local media. 

Connect with your faith community or community organizations and work together to find out what you can do together to respond to these issues.

Contact politicians, in particular school trustees/MP’s, to express your support for gender-affirming policies and inclusive education, and your opposition to policies that would forcibly out trans youth (sample letter, below)

Community Relationships
Reach out to local 2SLGBTQIA-led and solidarity groups and ask how you can be of service and, if you are an ally, what kind of allyship would be most helpful to them. Building these relationships and trust can take time, but it’s well worth it. 

If you feel equipped to offer support to those who are being targeted by these hate groups, be sure those around you know you’re available. 

Ask for support! This is an extremely worrying and intense time for queer folks. Contact your local 2SLGBTQI+ groups for support. Information for Affirming United Church Ministries can be found through Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble here, and resources from Affirming Connections here. You are not alone. 

(below) and Stephen Milton for the link to the God Loves Queer People Video and the template for Letter to Premier. Thank you to Alexa Gilmour for compiling the information

Image credit: BrutallyHonest from Pixabay