Help AUC By Using Cash Cards...
When you purchase gift cards for everyday items you are buying anyway - like groceries, gas, coffee, etc. - the church benefits because the retailers offer the cards to us at a discount. For example, if you purchase a $100 Loblaws gift card, Aurora United Church makes $4.00.
Cash card orders will be taken on the 2nd Sunday of the month, for delivery one week later.
You can order your cards by filling out the Cash Card Order Form available on the AUC website, and submitting it on Sunday morning or sending it by email to Alternatively, you can call Nancy Kerswill at 905-727-8080 to place an order verbally.
Payments can be made online via e-transfer sent to; or by cheque made out to AUC Cash Cards submitted at the time of delivery.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
The Cash Card Committee