Please note that there will be no Funday Sunday or Nursery program on Sunday March 9. We will return on Sunday March 16.  

Happy March Break!


AUC Funday Sunday...

@ 11:15 am

All children 5 - 11 years of age are invited to join our Funday Sunday program at Aurora United Church. We will assemble in Binions Hall (lower level of Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora) at 11:15 am. Parents are welcome to join us. At Funday Sunday, children will hear amazing stories, play fun games, make incredible crafts, sing songs, enjoy tasty snacks and explore faith/life issues. Along the way, kids will know God is always with them, explore God’s presence in their lives and serve God by serving others.

When Funday Sunday is over we will rejoin the congregation upstairs for the final part of the service.

Here are a few more things to be aware of as we begin:

1. Masking is optional at AUC.

2. Rev. Andy will bring the children downstairs following the Acknowledgement of Territory, the lighting of the Orange and Rainbow Candles.

2. Parents may pick up their child in Binions Hall following worship.

3. Coffee Time is right after worship in the entranceway. 


Our Sunday morning Nursery program is for children up to 4 years of age! This program is run by Trinity Anglican for both the Anglican and United Church services. The Nursery is located on the lower level of Trinity Anglican Church next to the AUC office. Leila Eskandari is the Nursery Coordinator and she is assisted each Sunday with an AUC volunteer. Please come down to the Nursery and welcome Leila!

If you are interested in serving as a Nursery volunteer
(ages teen to adult).

Suzanne in the office at:
or email Rev. Andy at:

Please be in touch with Rev. Andy ( if you have any questions or concerns.  

We hope to see you there!


Let's Talk About Racism

Talking to your friends and family about racism can be tough. Here are some books and videos to help you start thinking about it.

More, More, More, Said the Baby

Written and illustrated by Vera B. Williams, Greenwillow Books (AGES 0-2) Blogger Sachi Feris at Raising Race Conscious Children says that in order to have conversations about racism when your kids are a bit older, you have to raise kids who are aware of race as early as possible. Making it seem like race doesn’t exist only serves to hide the fact that racism is something people face. To that end, she recommends reading the adorable and multiracial More, More, More Said the Baby with toddlers, and using it an opportunity to talk about the different races of the characters, and then expanding that conversation at the same time to talk about people of different ethnicities in your child’s life.

All the Colors We Are

Written by Katie Kissinger; photographs by Chris Bohnhoff, Redleaf Press (AGES 3+) All the Colors We Are takes a kidappropriate, demystifying and scientiIc look at why people have different skin colours (spoiler alert, it’s because of who our ancestors are, the sun, and melanin), and introduces the idea that skin colour is just one part of who we are. This smart book also includes activities to help with further discussions about this topic.

The Stone Thrower (Jael Ealey Richardson)

Written by Jael Ealey Richardson and illustrated by Matt James, Groundwood Books (AGES 4-9) A children’s version of a book Richardson wrote about her dad, Chuck Ealey, The Stone Thrower tells the story of Chuck’s life growing up as black kid in a thenracially segregated Portsmouth, Ohio. Chuck loved football, and though he faced many challenges, including poverty and racial taunts, he had an unbeaten record as a quarterback in both high school and university due to his determination. Even with all of this talent, he wasn’t chosen to play that position in the NFL because of his race. Instead, he became a quarterback in the Canadian Football League, and in his Irst year, led his team (the Hamilton Tiger-Cats) to win the Grey Cup in 1972.

Viola Desmond Won’t Be Budged

Written by Jody Nyasha Warner and illustrated by Richard Rudnicki, Groundwood Books (AGES 5-9) In 1946, a Black Nova Scotian woman named Viola Desmond refused to leave her seat in what was then a whites’-only area of a movie theatre. This picture book tells her story with striking illustrations, and offers a fantastic example of standing up for your rights, even when there are strong consequences. (Desmond was taken to jail, charged and Ined for her actions. She was later pardoned, though it was decades after her death.) Viola Desmond is the first Canadian woman featured on Canadian currency.

Kids Speak Their Mind About Race

Discrimination Explained for Kids

Racism is Wrong

Miss Anna Talks to kids about racism. I appreciated THIS video for a lot of reasons: clear, empathetic, short.